

Cedar saved 75,000 kg Qinwang peaches

In the summer of 2019, Qinwang peaches in Liquan, Shaanxi, became unsalable due to the nationwide harvest of peaches and lack of sales channels. Fruit growers was plunged to deep worries.

Upon learning this news, Cedar Holdings immediately initiated its CSR response system, contacted e-commerce platform with the mission of helping farmers, and placed an order of 75,000 kg Qinwang peaches after detailed cost accounting. We paid the fruit farmers after paying the e-commerce platform for their costs, operation and management.

Cedar Holdings delivered the peaches to scores of cities across China through tens of thousands of miles. This not only protected fruit growers from heavy financial losses, but also encouraged all walks of life to help farmers and contribute to public welfare. The company later received a thank-you letter and a flag of honour from the local government of Liquan.

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